Bentonian News June 2023


This week was RESPECT week at Bentleigh Secondary College and today we had a jam-packed lunchtime!
Featuring our very own rock band playing, zooper doopers for free, stalls from Headspace Bentleigh and Glen Eira City Council - Youth Services, plus a scavenger hunt and lots of prizes to giveaway!
Thank you to everyone involved.

Performing Arts Centre

Work has officially started on Bentleigh Secondary College’s new performing arts centre!
This new 500 seat theatre will significantly enhance the performing arts offering at Bentleigh, which is already substantial.

Bentleigh Secondary College  $13.317 million

Performing arts centre

Status: Under construction

VCE Chemistry Instrumental Workshop - UoM

On Wednesday 7 June our senior chemistry students were lucky enough to go to Science at Melbourne. It’s always an amazing experience and insight into what the future could hold. We are super proud of their awesome analytic approach.

Year 10 OES Wilsons Promontory Hike Camp

The 3-day hike along Wilson's Promontory saw students explore motivations for and responses to outdoor environments. Also students develop skills in planning sustainable interactions with the outdoors, and learn to reflect upon and analyse their experiences. Students were involved in a number of different activities throughout the camp including bushwalking, cooking, curriculum sessions.
Outdoor and Environmental Studies provides students with the skills and knowledge to safely participate in activities in outdoor environments and to respect and value diverse environments. The blend of direct practical experience of outdoor environments with theory-based
study enables informed understanding of human relationships with nature.


Vaping has seen a remarkable surge in its popularity over the last decade and we are seeing vaping become increasingly popular among teenagers and young adults. Research increasingly links the use of e-cigarettes, to many of the same life-threatening diseases that plague smokers.  Research shows vaping can cause lung damage, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory infections and cancer
  • In Victoria statistics show 14% of adolescents aged 12-17 years of age have tried to vape and 32% of these students had used a vape in the past month
This Program is all about empowering students with evidence-based, yet fun and engaging content to help educate and empower students to make better decisions around this issue.
The program is delivered in two sections. The first being a workshop of engaging content on vaping. It covers topics like the origin and evolution of the vape industry, vaping and social media, unpacking what’s in a vape and what we know about e-liquids and their effect on students’ brain and body.
The second session (delivered back to back on the same day) is a Virtual Reality workshop (using cutting-edge Virtual Reality equipment) designed to increase student resilience and reduce their peer pressure susceptibility. Students walk away with more critical thinking skills and the capability to refuse vape related offers.
This learning-by-doing approach combines modern development principles from Virtual Reality with leading psychology and marketing, to stepping students through real-world scenarios without the risks.

Senior School Musical - Home Before Midnight

An original play written and directed by our very own Jacinta Egan showcased all our senior school cast! The acting, music and storyline was truely spectacular.  Congratulations to each and every one of you!
Talk about a showstopper!!!
The energy our senior school had coming off the stage when performing Home Before Midnight was incredible and has left us with our jaws still on the floor!

Staff v Students - NETBALL - girls

A little healthy competition, with the Staff vs Students girls netball!

They came with their A game but it wasn’t enough today with the Students taking home the win with a 2 point lead - 19 to 17 ðŸ†

Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental studies

Students in the Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental studies set off to the Grampians region to explore the spectacular region and engaged with rock climbing and canoeing within the Grampians.
Students will be able to use this camp to assist them with upcoming assessments and exams. A big thank you to the supporting staff and the class itself for a terrific effort across the entire program.

Staff V Students - NETBALL - Boys

Another day another lunchtime netball match!

This time the staff came with the goods winning 15 to the students 9!

Congratulations to all.

HOUSE DEBATING - Term 2 2023

We finished Term 2 off with one of our favourite House events - House Debating ♥️💛💚💙
The final saw Fawkner and Hawker lock heads on all things relating to population control. In the end there can only be one winner with team Fawkner taking home the trophy.
Well done all!!

Principal’s Message June

Enjoy the highlights of this e-news edition and my heartfelt congratulations to the remarkable cast of this year's school production, “Home before Midnight.”

What a spectacular journey it has been, from auditions to rehearsals, late-night script revisions, and countless hours of challenging work! The dedication and talent displayed by our students have truly shone through in every performance. The school production is a remarkable event that not only highlights the immense talent within our school but also serves as a testament to the power of teamwork, creativity, and celebration of the arts in education. It is a moment where students step into the spotlight, breathe life into their characters, and transport us to different worlds, leaving us in awe of their abilities.

To the actors who brought characters to life with passion and authenticity, to the stage crew and technicians who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, and to the directors, teachers, and mentors who guided and nurtured this incredible production: we salute your dedication and hard work. You have all played an integral part in making this production a resounding success.

Helene E. Hiotis