Official Uniform Supplier
PSW Quality Apparel
1 Age Street, Cheltenham
Phone: 9768 0332
Bentleigh Secondary College Uniform Brochure
This brochure outlines the uniform guidelines for ALL Bentleigh Secondary College students.
Uniform Guidelines
The purpose of the Student Dress Code is to outline Bentleigh Secondary College’s requirements for student
dress and appearance and to provide information about uniform purchase and support, dress code
implementation and exemption processes.
The Student Dress Code aims to:
• foster a sense of community and belonging and encourages students to develop pride in their appearance
• support Bentleigh Secondary College’s commitment to ensuring that our students feel equal and are dressed safely and appropriately for school activities.
• reduce student competition on the basis of clothing
• enhance the profile and identity of the school and its students within the wider community.
Uniform Expectations
Bentleigh Secondary College will ensure that this Student Dress Code is communicated to all families and students through our website, student assemblies, and College newsfeeds. We will assist students who may be experiencing difficulties complying with this policy where possible.
Students are not permitted to do PE unless in proper uniform. Students representing the College in sports teams should be properly attired in transit – either in PE or College uniform.
Students must bring a parent note when they are out of uniform and take this to their Head of Year Level to get a uniform pass. Students repeatedly out of uniform will receive a Friday afterschool detention.
Students wearing non-compliant uniform items may be asked to change into a compliant item of clothing provided by the school.
If a student is out of school uniform or otherwise breaches the Student Dress Code on a recurring basis, a parent conference will be required. If non-compliance with the dress code becomes a continued occurrence, the Principal will be informed. In this event, the school will continue to work with the student and family to support compliance.
Measures taken by Bentleigh Secondary College to address concerns about student non-compliance with the Student Dress Code will also be addressed in accordance with our Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy.
A combination of Summer and Winter Uniforms are not to be worn.
Summer uniform is worn Terms 1 & 4.
Winter uniform is worn during Terms 2 & 3.
Term 1 and 4:
- College dress (must be the same length as the College uniform shorts with plain white socks)
- College blue navy shorts, trousers or slacks (PSW with Bentleigh Secondary College Logo ONLY)
- White cotton College shirt (PSW with Bentleigh Secondary College Logo ONLY)
- Navy or black belts only
College blue woollen pullover, white socks, black polishable lace-up leather school shoes and College blazer
Term 2 and 3:
- College winter skirt (must be the same length as College uniform shorts with opaque black tights or black socks)
- White cotton College shirt (PSW with Bentleigh Secondary College Logo ONLY)
- College navy blue trousers, shorts or slacks (PSW with Bentleigh Secondary College Logo ONLY)
- White cotton College shirt (PSW with Bentleigh Secondary College Logo ONLY)
- Navy or black belts only
- College blue woollen pullover, black socks, black polishable lace-up leather school shoes and College blazer
- College tie (to be worn during Term 2 and 3 - PSW with Bentleigh Secondary College Logo ONLY)
- Navy scarf and beanie with College logo ONLY (optional)
PE/Sports Uniform:
The Sports Uniform cannot be worn to and from school. All students must bring their uniform to change into for
their PE classes (Exception: Year 7 and Year 8 students may wear their Sport Uniform on their interschool sport
- PE micromesh panel polo
- PE microfibre trackpants
- PE Rugby Jumper
- PE Soft Shell Jacket
- PE Microfibre Shorts
- PE Mesh cap
Further Information
For further information about the Bentleigh Secondary College uniform please refer to our policy.